Pirates Swim Club

Swim Programme


The Beginner Group welcomes swimmers 6 years and older who have recently graduated from a “Learn to Swim” program and are now wishing to improve their technique in all four strokes and become either competitive or recreational swimmers.  Pirates offers six 60-minute practice sessions each week.  We encourage our Beginner swimmers to compete in local competitions and as they progress, to enter regional competitions.


This level is for swimmers 9 years and older who are proficient in all 4 strokes and are now ready to work on their stamina and perfect their technique.  Pirates offers six 90-minute practice sessions each week.

In order to swim at the Intermediate level, each swimmer must achieve an USA Swimming Motivational ‘A’ time in a minimum of two events in his/her respective age group. Attendance is essential to the success of a swimmer and so he/she is expected to attend 66% of the practice sessions.  We encourage our Intermediate swimmers to compete in local and regional competitions.


This level is the highest level in the Pirates Club offers 9 practice sessions each week with 4 morning sessions and 5 afternoon sessions. 

In order to swim at the Senior level, the swimmer should have achieved an USA Swimming Motivational ‘A’ time in the 400m freestyle and in 2 additional events in his/her respective age group. Attendance is essential to the success of a swimmer and so swimmers are expected to attend 7 of the 9 practice sessions each week. 

We encourage our Senior swimmers to compete in local and regional competitions.